More "Wow" pictures

‧本文由 joetah yeh 分享 ‧ 2013-05-05 ‧ 顯示 2,647 次 ‧ 轉寄 39 次 ‧ 短評 1 篇 ‧

More "Wow" pictures

54-story twisting tower in Malmo, Sweden.
  The Breathtaking Melissani Cave in Greece
  A Room With A Veiw "Jade Mountain Resort" Stl Lucia
Circle of Life

The Crooked Forest

Komodo Island Indonesia

A Room With a View

  Piano and Violin Building "China"

  Firework Long Exposure Shot
  Mountain-side farming in the province of Bolzano (Bozen) in Italy

Tree House

Lavender Field "France'
  The pink and lovely..."Hiller Lake" (Western Australia)
Its startling colour remains a mystery and while scientists have proven
it's not due to the presence of algae, unlike the other salt lakes down under, they still can't explain why it's pink.

The gap between Europe and the United States is widening - by one inch a year. This photograph shows the vast gap between the two tectonic plates, as seen by a British scuba diver. Alex Mustard, 36, dived 80 feet into the crevice between North America and Eurasia to reveal the stunning landscape.The area - near Iceland - is riddled with faults, valleys, volcanoes and hot springs, caused by the plates pulling apart at about 1 inch per year.

Big Island, Hawaii

Snowy Night, Moscow, Russia.

An onlooker of the annular solar eclipse witnesses the celestial event on May 20, 2012 . Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

'Natural Architecture' of Italy

To Sua Ocean Trench - Upolu, Western Samoa

The Fly Geyser - Wonder of Nature.  Nevada, US.

The Fish House Singapore

World's biggest cave found in Vietnam

Meteora Greece

Cuban land snail

Frozen waterfall Slovenia

Lenticular Clouds above South Georgia Island

Gardening Apartment,Thailand...

Beautiful hanging lounger

A room with a view

Colorful Dessets

Freedom Park Charlotte, NC.

Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, Arizona.
  The Magical Tunnel made of 7 million coloful LED light
  Christmas Lights, Selangor, Malaysia
  "Niagara waterfall - The edge"
  Tallest building in the world, Burj Kahlifa, from a helicopter, at night.
  Grotta Palazzese, a restaurant located inside an ancient cave facing the Adriatic Sea.

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